0784 111 8162 david@sunlightmind.com


Unleash Your Potential: Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy Services

Do you feel stuck? Are you ready to break through limitations and create the life you truly desire? If so, our combined approach of life coaching and hypnotherapy can empower you to achieve lasting change.

Life Coaching

Life coaching provides a supportive and structured framework to help you:

  • Define your goals: Identify what you want to achieve in different areas of your life, be it career, relationships, or personal growth.
  • Uncover limiting beliefs: Explore and overcome negative thought patterns that might be holding you back.
  • Develop action plans: Create clear steps to move forward and achieve your goals.
  • Boost accountability: Stay motivated and focused with ongoing support from your coach.
  • Navigate challenges: Learn strategies to overcome obstacles and setbacks.
  • Increase self-confidence: Develop a strong sense of self-belief and empowerment.


Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective technique that utilizes a state of deep relaxation to access the subconscious mind. Here’s how it can benefit you:

  • Reduce anxiety and stress: Learn relaxation techniques to manage stress effectively.
  • Improve sleep quality: Break free from sleep disturbances and achieve restful sleep.
  • Boost self-esteem: Build confidence and self-worth to overcome limiting beliefs.
  • Change negative habits: Address unwanted behaviors like smoking or overeating.
  • Manage pain: Reduce chronic pain and discomfort through relaxation techniques.

Combined Approach

I believe in the powerful synergy of life coaching and hypnotherapy. Life coaching provides the clarity and direction, while hypnotherapy removes subconscious blockages that might be hindering your progress. This combined approach allows you to:

  • Make lasting changes: Address the root cause of your challenges for long-term success.
  • Unlock your full potential: Access your inner resources to achieve your goals.
  • Create a fulfilling life: Build a life that is aligned with your values and aspirations.

Ready to Get Started?

I offer a free consultation to discuss your goals and see if my services are a good fit for you. Contact me today to schedule your appointment and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.



Hypnotherapy can assist with any number of different challenges. It works by putting you into a state of relaxation and trance where I then work with your subconscious to retrain old limiting beliefs into more positive ones about yourself, to help change become easier. 

In trance, you are able to communicate with your inner mind directly. That is how the changes get made. A good hypnotist will take you into trance gently and imperceptibly, and in the same way that you can’t tell exactly when you cross over into sleep at night, the crossover into trance is subtle and goes unnoticed. Once in trance I will begin to get you to work with your inner mind.

Hypnotherapy is nothing like stage hypnosis. Part of your mind remains alert and you are in charge the whole time. You will not be asked to do anything you wouldn’t feel comfortable with.

1 Hour Session online via Google Meet

Alleviate Stress, Anxiety and Depression symptoms

Help with Insomnia and Sleep-Related challenges

Grief and Emotional Healing

Quitting Smoking or Vaping

Weight Loss and Food Disorder Issues

Fears and Phobias

Improving Relationships and Communication

Improving Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem

Full Email and Phone Support


Health Coaching

My speciality is Holistic Lifestyle Coaching but what is that exactly?

You ever heard the phrase “You are what you eat” but you also are what you think, how you feel, what you drink, how you move, how you sleep, what you dream etc.

We can often be held back by poor habits, mental and physical health challenges, inconsistent routines, not to mention stress, burnout, anxiety to name just a few.

I address all these and any other unique challenges you may be facing over a 6-session Transformational Coaching package that will literally have you feel like an improved version of you, who you were born to be.

Initial Consultation with full Health Questionnaire

Using 4 Doctors Methodology: Dr Quiet, Dr Movement, Dr Diet and Dr Happiness

6 x 1 Hour Online Sessions via Google Meet

Analysis of Sleep, Diet and Movement Diary

Quick-Fix Hypnotherapy for specific challenges

Integrating Mindfulness & Breathwork practices

Worksheets and Information Sheets

Full Email and Phone Support

Mindfulness Courses

As a qualified Mindfulness and Yoga Teacher I understand the benefits of the mind/body/spirit connection and being present in all areas of life. I run 6-Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses in Paisley, Glasgow and East Lothian.  There are many scientifically proven benefits, some of which are:

Stress Reduction and Calmness

Reduced Anxiety and Depression

Improved Relationships & Sex life

Enhanced Memory and Focus

Less Emotional Reactivity

Enhanced Sleep and Relaxation

Easing of Aches and Pains


I plan on running my own retreats from 2025. Meanwhile, my amazing partner Nicola from Wild Willow Retreats is facilitating a Autumn Equinox Womens Retreat at Winton Castle Estate in East Lothian in September 2024.
I am on soup duty as well as dog, cat, hamster and fish sitting! Some of the details below:

Pilates, Yin Yoga and Kundalini Yoga with gongs

Creating Writing Exercises

Burlesque Workshop

Life Coaching Workshops

Healthy Vegetarian Food

Accommodation in the grounds of Winton Castle


Take the First Step

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Send Me a Message

Any questions? Either drop me a message using the form, give me a call, drop me an email or reach out via Facebook or Instagram. I’ll get back to you within 24-Hours.

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